The Sociopolitical side of Gestalt therapy in troubled times.
****Webinar for therapists and gestalt students***
This webinar is a form of Gestalt support group that aims to facilitate :
- The combination of Emotional and Sociopolitical awareness. Why and how it is important here and now.
- Ways to include Socio-political awareness in our Gestalt practice, privately or in groups.
- Sharing with the group our attempts or difficulties to practice inclusion of Sociopolitical awareness in our therapy practice.
Each group will have 6-8 persons maximum
Duration 2h30', so everyone can have time to share his / her experience
When: 1 session per month or per 15 days - this will be a group decision based on participants needs.
We start when the number of participants appears.
Since this is an international call, we will need to decide all together the best time to respect time zones.
Cost: 30 euro per session
The way humans live life on earth is leading to our extinction, apart from the death of many other beings and the abuse of the planet itself.
While we can enjoy the life on this amazing planet, a lot of energy is spent on violence and the suppression of human nature that is love and freedom.
As therapists, and specially gestalt therapists, we can help actively our clients to become aware of the inequality, unnatural violence and domination around us in a helpful way for them, us and society.
The way we treat ourselves is connected with the way we treat others.
The way we care about our micro-world is connected with the way the world is formed.
We are actively creating the world in here and now.
How long can we stay blind in the fact that our western lifestyle is killing the planet, other species and our own?